Thursday, September 14, 2006


Bree’s big into pretending stuff when she plays. She makes her dolls and stuffed animals do all kinds of things. (Although, I have to say that a lot of her pretending comes when she’s about to be in trouble. Take for example the other day when I started to scold her for “spitting,” taking a huge sip of juice and then letting it dribble back out of her mouth onto the carpet. Before I could finish asking her not to do that she said “Mom, I’m just ‘tend spitting.” And she did switch to pretending instead.) Lately she’s kind of amped up her pretending and branched off into role-playing. As I’ve posted in the past she’s “tended” to be a boy and a mouse among other things. (The other day she even told me she was a lion, growled at me and then “tended” to scratch me up.) Well, today her big pretending moment included her Daddy as well…she was hopping around the house and informed me “Mom, I’m a Tigger,” then she added (much to my amusement), “and Daddy’s a piglet!”

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