Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Like all toddlers do at some point, Brianna has started to figure out the rules of grammar and speech but is applying them either too strictly or haphazardly. Her newest thing is making words plural. She’s figured out that adding an extra “s” sound to the end of a word is what you do when referring to more than one thing. Which is pretty smart, but she’s been adding extra s’s everywhere now. She’ll say stuff like, “Look Mommy, frogs’s!” or “I want two Shrek treats’s in my hand!” (pointing to her palm) or “I hear the ducks’s quacking!” (Hmm..I’m noticing I tend to make all her sentences end in exclamation points but that’s actually how two-year-olds’s talk you know. Very animated and excited about it all…) Needless to say, we’ve found it pretty amusing to hear her making such classical baby talk errors’s. :)

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