Monday, September 04, 2006

Belt It

Recently Brianna recieved a new pair of purple pants (from Grammy Dee-Dee). They're these really cute cargo pants. Bree was completely taken by all the pockets they have and also one other feature...They are her first pair of pants to actually have belt loops. (I know, for you and me, no big deal. But, for someone whose never had their very own belt loops, ya know, cool!) Well, upon noticing the belt loops Bree said "I need a belt!" (Even though the pants actually fit quite nicely without one.) Then she ran into the master bedroom, found her daddy's pants and started trying to work the belt off of them. "That won't fit you," her daddy told her. "This is for Daddy," she answered, "I need a teeny belt!" I don't even know if you can buy that teeny of a belt...


theschramfam said...

belts :) hey, just fish a scarf through the belt loops and tie it in a knot in front... very cute and very kid sized :)

Unknown said...

That's a good idea, I never would have thought of that...