Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I'm Stupid

Once again, Brianna has been corrupted by the television. Her new favorite show is Bug's Life. She's constantly going around asking to "watch Bug's Knife Mom? Bug's Knife?" It's a pretty cute show, and fairly harmless in content so I usually let her watch at least a few minutes when she asks. At first, we had to reassure her every time the mean grasshoppers came because it kind of scared her. Now though, she's watched it so many times that she's prepared..."The grasshoppers are coming," she tells herself, "They're mean! It's okay." There's one particular scene however when the head grasshopper says "Are you calling me stupid? Do I look stupid to you?" For some reason Bree has focused in on this part. Today I caught her walking around the house going "I'm stupid!" "Hey, no you're not! I don't want you to say that. You are very smart!" I told her. (Actually, we kind of had a little arguement about it when she refused to stop saying it and I made her cry.) Well, ultimately I couldn't get her to stop saying it all together but by the end of today she's ammended it to "I'm stupid! No, I'm not stupid, I'm 'mart!" then this is usually followed directly by "I'm not a boy, I'm a big girl!" It's all about the opposites, and putting yourself in the right category at this stage I guess....

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