Monday, September 11, 2006

In Case of Fire, Take the Stairs

Last time we went to the library we ended up checking out a Curious George book that's a "picture reader." This means that every few words instead of having the next word in the sentence printed out there's a little picture. So, it goes something like this:

Travis: "One day (point)
Bree: George!
Travis: was taking a walk with the man in the big yellow (point).
Bree: hat!

It's great because it makes the reading part so much more interactive and Brianna was so proud of herself helping Daddy "read." She's starting to get the idea that pictures can translate into words and vice versa. She even applied this new skill of "reading" pictures to the sign outside the elevator in the past few days. Now every time we're standing there waiting for the elevator doors to open she points to the "In case of fire, use the stairs" sign, which also has pictures of a stick man going down stairs and a fire, and says "Go downstairs and fire." Not bad huh?

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