Sunday, September 10, 2006

Happy Grandparents Day!

Happy Grandparents Day to all the grandparents out there! (Yes, it's actually a holiday if you didn't know..look on your calendar.) To our own grandparents: If you haven't gotten it yet, Bree sent a special card to all her Grammies and Poppas. And, not to ruin your surprise but I did send a few 4x6 pix in each card. I was in such a hurry to get them in the mail on time I just scanned through our photo albums quickly and picked a few cute pix. Of course, after I chose them I looked back through and wished I'd sent different ones. We have so many cute shots of her, I would probably be second-guessing myself no matter what I'd chosen. So, here are a few other good shots dedicated to the grandparents. (It's okay, you can print these ones out too.) :)

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