Monday, July 10, 2006

Hodge Podge

Okay, all right, I admit it! Yesterday was such a busy day for me, (planning a new month’s calendar of activities for my mom’s group), and Bree was so crabby and horrible, (she refused to take a nap at all and is teething all 4 incisors), that I actually didn’t blog at all because I couldn’t think of anything nice to say. I had originally posted “Bouncing Baby Girl” under Saturday. But, when I realized there were two for that date I moved it forward to Sunday. Oh the horror, the shame! So, to pay my penance I’m doing two entries for today, Monday. Not to mention Bree did a ton of funny stuff today and I can’t choose what to write about so you get a bonus entry of the grab bag variety. Here’s some random funny moments:

Bree in the backseat of the car going “Tick, tock. Tick, tock. I’m a little coo-coo clock!”

Us eating lunch together (we had quesadillas) and me commenting, “I like quesadillas, don’t you?” then Brianna saying “Yummy quesadillas!” Clear as a bell, I swear.

Heading out the door to run errands and me saying “Okay, let’s get your diaper bag.” and Bree coming back with “No, it’s Mommy’s diaper bag.”

Back in the car again and Brianna looking at the bottoms of her sandals. One has caked mud dried to it, the other doesn’t. Her pointing “This one clean. This one dirty, wash it! This one clean….”

Finally, Bree coming up to me and asking “Where my fishing pole go is?” (She has started ending every question that starts with where by adding is to it, even if there’s no real need to. It’s a bonus “is” for good measure.)

There! I hope you’re happy now that you’ve guilted me into an extra entry!

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