Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Go See Grammy?

Bree loves her Grammies’ dearly and is always coming up to me asking “Go see Grammy?” At which point I have to explain, “I would love to see her baby but she lives far away. We have to ride on an airplane to see her.” So, after awhile Brianna changed the question. She would say “Go see Grammy?” then immediately add, “No, far away. Airplane, go see her?” Meaning, “Can we get on an airplane and go see her.” So, I had to start also saying “Well, we don’t have tickets right now.” But, this wasn’t enough to stop Bree in her determination to go see Grammy. She just added on, “Go see Grammy? Far away. Airplane, tickets, go see her?”

Now that we’re actually going to be visiting the Grammies soon, we’ve been talking about them even more. Now it’s “Go see Grammy?” Then I say “Yes, we are going to see her really soon. But not today, on Saturday.” Tonight when we discussed it Bree even added “See Grammy, say suh-pise Grammy, Suh-pise Poppa.” “Yep, soon,” I told her. “Sat-uh-day,” she clarified for me.

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