Thursday, January 04, 2007

Itchy Bun Bath Syndrome

I've heard of many kids who go through a bath aversion phase and who suddenly hate to take baths. Fortunately for us, we've never had that problem, at least not so far. On the contrary, our kid LOVES baths, maybe too much. She asks to take one at least twice a day. So, I usually let her splash around a few minutes each day, most the time just in plain water so she won't dry out too much. But it IS winter after all, season of dry skin galore. And Bree has managed to get some dry skin along with the rest of us. The other day after her morning splash she was spending her usual after-bath naked time when she started scratching her little buns. After a few seconds she was at it again. After the third scratching session she turned to me and said, "Mom, my buns are really itchy!" So, we grabbed the baby lotion and lubed the kid up from head to toe. Hopefully this resolved any itchy buns situations for a few days at least, although, it didn't bother me, it looked really funny and made me laugh.

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