Saturday, January 06, 2007

Hee-Haw Pants

As she gets older Bree has more and more opinions about things, how she wants to wear her hair, what foods she likes and dislikes, and what clothes she wants to put on. It’s been funny lately because her newest phrase is “I’m hung-ree (hungry)!” I mean, it’s just a normal thing to say and all but it’s funny to me to hear her say it since it’s a new word for her and also kind of nice that I don’t have to guess when to feed her anymore. Then there’s her growing flair for picking her clothing, and everyone else’s. Travis actually let her pick out his shirt for work the other day and today she insisted on choosing her own outfit. She ended up picking out a bright green sweater to go underneath some olive green overall pants. And, despite my skepticism that it would match well, she actually looked pretty darn cute. Although she did make me laugh because after I helped her put her overalls on she asked me, “Mom, do you like my hee-haw pants?” ( I think because there’s a scene in one of her Blue’s Clues episodes where the main character is wearing overalls while he sings “Old McDonald.” And, while he’s singing somewhere in there he slaps his knee and says “yee-haw.” Naturally then, all overalls must be “hee-haw” pants.) Funny little kid!

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