Monday, November 20, 2006

Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall

Brianna is not above admiring herself in the mirror..not at all in fact. We've found ourselves pretty amused lately when, after getting all dolled up for a party, or having new clips in her hair, Bree takes a nice long admiring stare into the mirror. The funny part though is her new thing..which is that she'll twist and turn to try and see herself from every angle. In fact, when she got dressed up to attend her little friend's party the other day, her shirt had a ribbon that tied on the back. So, there she was turning this way and that, trying to see the bow, checking it out from every angle and making sure it didn't make her butt look big. (Well, maybe not that last part, but it sure looked like she was trying to check out her own even had her daddy crackin' up.) But, we can't really blame her...she is a cute kid and all. Ah, vanity thy name is Brianna! :)

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