Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We had a pretty nice one over here... We spent the morning just laying around, taking it easy and watching the Macy's Day Parade on TV. Brianna was pretty excited to see the big balloons go by since she recognized many of the characters. After that we spent an hour visiting with Stacy, Trav's co-worker, and her family. Stacy's mom doesn't have any granchildren of her own yet so she always likes to love on and spoil Brianna whenever she comes into town. This time was no different..Bree left with a new pink poodle stuffed animal and a pink fuzzy sweater to wear so she could match her poodle. Then it was naptime for Brianna while Travis and I worked on whipping up a few Thanksgiving side dishes. Once our food was ready and Bree was awake we drove across town had Thanksgiving dinner with our friends, Lynsay and Jim and their daughter, 18 month old Elissa. Like us, they were also Thanksgiving orphans with no family to be with this year. So, it was a very nice day...hope yours was too!

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