Tuesday, August 01, 2006

All the Conchas!

Since it's been so hot here Bree has been eating 2-3 "conchas" (popsicles) per day. All her grammies are more than happy to let her eat these "conchas" to her hearts delight and take a kind of pleasure to see her running around half-naked, sticky and streaked up with colorful juice all over herself. (I guess they're just enjoying her "joy of childhood" type moments.) Grandma Dee-Dee has even fed the "concha" craziness by telling Brianna that "all the conchas" were hers. Now Bree will sometimes randomly be in a room and declare "all the conchas" just so we know whose they are! It has been kind of funny as well to see Bree start to understand that the popsicles have different flavors. At first she was asking for a "concha" by color, like "Ranna, green concha!" But, the past few days she's gotten more aware of the names of the flavors. Now, she says things like "Grape concha pees (please)!" Today she even remembered that Grammy has fudge-sicles in her garage freezer. She said "Umm, chocolate concha, in the outside freezer!"

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