Sunday, May 28, 2006

A Weekend Sickie

Brianna hasn't been feeling good today, running a little fever. That, combined with the fact that it was 95 degrees outside today meant we spent a lazy day inside. To keep cool Brianna spent most of the day running around in only her diaper and eating a lot of popsicles. Since she was feeling extra lethargic and achy when her fever was high, she also watched a lot of TV. Bree felt particulary fond of "Tale-Bob" (Veggie Tales)today and requested it frequently. In one episode about bullies, a small asparagus was being threatened by a big squash. He jumps into the scene growling and being mean. Although she's seen this episode before, Bree seemed to be feeling especially vulnerable today and when that particular part came on she ran over to me scared and screaming "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy," and vaulted herself into my arms. To comfort her, Daddy settled in to watch the rest with her, laying down beside her on the couch. It only took a few minutes and both of them were completely passed out together. So, instead of in her crib, today Brianna took her nap wearing only her diaper, snuggled up to her daddy.

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