Friday, May 12, 2006

Little Miss Independent

Toddlers are famous for testing their boundaries and expressing their likes and dislikes very clearly and loudly. Well, Brianna is most definitely a toddler. She has a sense of herself and wants her indepedence, as she is starting to make apparent in a number of ways. The most obvious being insisting she do things on her own, even if she can't really do it without some help. She'll wave a helping hand away impatiently and say "Baby do it!" Lately, she struggles when being carried and says "own walk." (I want to walk on my own!) (Although, not 2 minutes later she'll be asking to get carried, as per a toddler's prerogative I guess.)

A little more subtle means of achieving some personal freedom has been happening with more frequent demands, er I mean statements of her preferences. For example, getting out of the tub she will decline the white towel in Mom's hand and point to a green one, saying "fave-it (favorite) towl" , or when being handed a sippy cup of water she'll hand it back and ask "Chot-at milt?" (chocolate milk). Getting dressed she wants to wear her "jeens," like Daddy's, instead of any other pants. And tonight while getting tucked into bed she wanted a "diffint (different) bear" in bed with her (which apparently is now the name for the bear her Uncle Mark gave her). Then we forgot to do "bainty toes" (put the blanky over her toes) but were reminded rather quickly. What can I say, the girl knows who she is and exactly what she does and doesn't like!

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