Saturday, May 27, 2006

Prayer P.S.'s

Part of our bedtime routine has been to say a quick prayer before tucking Brianna in. This is so much a part of her routine now that sometimes she insists we say a prayer before naps too. She has caught on to the concept pretty thoroughly and has even started adding in her own thoughts to the prayer. We usually start by saying "Thank you for today," at which point Bree quite often has something to add. Today before naptime she piped in with "Thank you..puppy, play park." Which means "Thank you for when I got to pet the puppy at the park." (We went to the park this morning.) After we say our thanks then we ask for blessings for our friends and family. We sometimes try to get away with saying "Bless our friends and our family." But then Brianna will make sure to list whoever or whatever she is particularly thinking about that day including, "Bless Grammy, Bless Poppa, Bless Bee-ranna, Bless Stacy's house, Bless toes...." and so on. :)

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