Sunday, December 10, 2006

A Quiet Weekend

Our weekend was pretty quiet here. Nothing much to report about it really. We spent some time hanging out and tried to get a few chores done around the house and Brianna spent most her time running around in only her diaper. Bree, however, was quite sure that it was a picture-worthy weekend. She's grown quite accustomed to her daddy snapping pictures of her left and right, pretty much every minute of her life. So, when he wasn't doing so this weekend I think she got a little confused. Finally she said to him, "Daddy, don't you want a pitcher (picture) of me right now?" Apparently she thought whatever it was she was doing was pretty darn cute. And, in her defense, whatever she's doing IS normally pretty darn cute. So, the following pix were all ones Bree insisted we take of her. After all, her life makes no sense to her if she doesn't have the "Papa-razzi" snapping shots right? (hee hee) Anyways, since these are all shots Bree wanted, I'll let her explain them this time. Normally, I don't let her blog herself since, well, let's face it, I have a better vocabulary and a better developed sense of humor (arguably). But anyways, just this once I'll let Brianna take over the show...

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