Saturday, December 02, 2006

Mushroom Hat

One of Bree's favorite things to do is play dress up. She has quite a few dress up type items, enough to fill up a drawer-full, including a grass skirt, play glasses, and all kinds of hats. Some of these things we've bought but quite a few have been hand-me-downs or gifts from the Grammies. One of these things is a white, furry, oval-type looks like something you would see in Russia. So, we call it Bree's Russian Hat. Well, Brianna overheard us referring to it as that the other day and has expressed new interest and has had an increase in wearing her "mushroom hat." The first time she called it that we laughed and said, "No baby, it's a RUSSIAN hat." "Yep," she said, "my mushroom hat." So, after a few rounds of that back and forth we gave up, it is now and forever dubbed the mushroom hat.

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