Saturday, July 07, 2007

Puppy Love

Last weekend Grammy Deb and Poppa Roger came to visit us for the first time since we've moved into the house. We had a lot of fun showing them all our progress around the house and hanging out. Rog and Trav managed to build some garage shelves and get in a good dose of fishing as well while us girls did some shopping and so on. But the highlight of the whole trip for Bree was probably the fact that the grandparents brought their dog, Deja, with them. It was a serious case of puppy love on Bree's part. She really wants her own dog and even though we're not considering it right now, figuring that having a newborn will be an adventure enough for this summer, it is a little tempting when you see just how much fun one little girl can have with a dog...

Ah yes, puppy love as they stare deep into each other's eyes.

Forget about teaching the dog tricks, Brianna learned a few new ones from the dog! Like this little charmer, scratching your face with your hind leg. Monkey see monkey do...

Then there was the pant off...It was a close call but I'm pretty sure the Deja won that one!

And there was a whole lot of chasing and running games as well...

After all that, they had to take a rest together. cute!

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