Friday, April 20, 2007


Naturally, since they're related to her, my whole family is convinced that Brianna is quite the little genius. The aunties in particular are quite charmed by Bree's constant chatter and pretty extensive vocabulary. Due to these facts my sister, Emily, Auntie Em, has decided that it's super funny for her to teach Bree a new big word every time they see each other. Em wil randomly pick a big word with at least 3 syllables and try to teach it to Bree before the visit is over... Last time we spent time with Auntie Em Brianna learned "ridicoolus" (ridiculous).

This time around Auntie Em decided she was going to teach Bree the word "epidermis." Of course, it's not enough that she can get the kid to say the word, Bree can repeat pretty much anything you say to her, Emily isn't satisfied until the word is being used in the everyday speech. So, after a few minutes telling Bree all about how epidermis is another word for skin the game was on. Yep, sure enough only a short while later Bree was pointing to her belly and saying, "See my epidurnis?" Much to the aunties amusement. Apparently though, since the belly was the patch of skin that Em had pointed to in her explanation Brianna thought that was the only part of her that had an epidermis. So, round two of vocabulary lesson included pointing to a variety of body parts and their skin while saying epidermis. And, by the end of their 3 day stay Brianna was saying things like, "Hey, Grammy kissed my epidurnis!" when Grammy DeeDee would kiss her cheek. So mission accomplished I would say.

I was thinking about this today because Brianna and I decided to paint our nails. After they were done Bree loved them and was gazing at them admiringly and said, "My epidurnis is painted!" Oops! I guess we didn't cover nails in our little lesson, there's still a little confusion there...... :)

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