Friday, August 10, 2007

Getting to "Noah" You

(Like the title? ..I'm so punny)

Okay so, in the past I've really tried to make each post an interesting, perhaps humorous, little story about Brianna that really lets you know about WHO she is as a person, how her little personality is developing, and the things she's figuring out as she gets older. (Although, lately the blog's been getting to be more and more like a laundry list of things we've done or people who've visited or just a lot of pix with not a lot of substance. But, I mean, give me a break people. In the last few months I've only moved across the country, been pregnant, and given birth. Geesh! :P) And, now that we also have Noah to talk about I'm looking forward to sharing all the same fun stuff as he grows, the coloring on the walls, saying funny little stuff as he learns to talk, etc. So far though, even though he's been here a whole month already (can you believe it?) I haven't had much to share about him. I mean really, here's the whole scoop: He eats, he sleeps, he cries sometimes, he fills his diapers. TA-DA! Feels just like you've been here the whole time huh?

But, he is starting to show some of his personality a little bit. And he's definitely a different baby than his sister was. So I thought I'd tell you a little bit about him...

For one thing he's very laid back little guy. He only really cries when he needs to eat, or when he's got gas or has to burp (and you'll know if either of the last two has happened. The kid is not shy about his bodily functions..maybe since he's a boy). Or, sometimes he cries when he's on his changing table. He usually smiles and kicks around on the changing table (and often plays peepee target practice on Mommy, that really makes him smile) but there are times when he manages to get his hand through the little side rail and his fingers wrap around one of the bars. Then he can't figure out how to get his hand back and it makes him mad...I'm pretty sure he thinks someone is pulling on his hand and won't let go....Other than that he hangs out and likes to stare at his surroundings.

He's a snuggler too. He likes to be snuggled up next to someone to sleep mostly. In fact, I'm pretty sure he's already spoiled in that department seeing as he's had family here to cuddle him pretty much every minute of every day since he's been born.

Let's see..he looks good in blue since he's got big blue eyes...which is a good thing because he's gotten gifts of blue clothing from about a million people.

Um, well, that's about it. You know as much about him now as I do. Yep, you're all caught up to's a high speed life over here as you can tell. Oh yeah..something crazy always happening.....oh yeah...superfly over here....always a party...ooops, I'm off to change a diaper, the excitement never ends!

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