Thursday, April 06, 2006

Much Ado About Nothin'

Just a quiet day today, we did go to the library this morning for storytime though. Brianna loved it, as always, and did all the motions to the songs. The rest of the day was rainy and windy so we were stuck are a random collection of moments from our day: Brianna asking for "moo water" when she wanted some milk (there's a picture of a cow on our milk jug). Her counting some blocks "1,2,7.." (for some reason 7 comes after 2 when she counts lately). Going swimming with Bree saying "Mommy, fote" (she was keeping her hands on the top step and lifting her legs up to "float"). And, asking Daddy to "guggle" (juggle) then declaring "baby guggle" and throwing three blocks in the air... Just a few small moments in a sort of nondescript day, but they do add up to a day full of little smiles for one little person's funny antics. :)

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