Thursday, April 20, 2006

Library Time

Thursday mornings are library time for us. Today when we were getting into the elevator we were joined by another mommy and baby. The other mommy said to her little girl "Why don't you say hi Grace?" So Brianna said, "Hi Grace!" "And what's your name?" I asked Bree. She pointed to herself and said "Name. 'ranna" (She is getting more and more aware of her own name and has started actually using her name when she talks about herself.. " ranna sad", "ranna's soup", "ranna sit down too" where she used to say "baby sad" and so forth.) As we got off the elevator Brianna kept looking back and seemed concerned to make sure her new friend was going to library time too. "Coming Grace?" she asked and then tried to hold hands with her. Grace wasn't really into that though. At library time Bree sat right next to her new friend and had her usual exuberant time reading and doing all the motions to her favorite songs. She's becoming such a social butterfly these days! :)

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