Wednesday, May 02, 2007


It seems I often find myself writing about how amused I am when Bree uses unexpected words or phrases correctly. However, it's even funnier I think on those occasions when we have verbal misunderstandings, like in these cases.....

The other day for lunch Bree and I shared a bowl of Ramen noodles. (Actually, I was having Ramen noodles. Brianna had already eaten a PB and J and some veggies but naturally, with her food sharing obsession she just had to have some of mine too.) Well, since that's a rather sloppy meal to try and share out of one bowl I quickly put some of the soup into a separate bowl for her and we both chowed down quite happily. Bree was saying, "Mmm. Mmm. I love noodles! Do you love noodles? Noodles are sure good," and so on. After a few minutes of this she glanced over at my bowl and noticed that I had already finished all my noodles.

"Mom, where's your noodles?" she asked.
"I ate them up," I told her, "Now all I have is some broth."
After looking concerned for a minute she said, "In your bra?"
"No," I laughed, "See this?" I pointed to the broth in my bowl. "This is broth."
"Oh," she said. But a minute later she just couldn't let it go. "Mom your noodles are in your bra?" she asked pointing to her chest. (Bree knows what a bra is and where it goes too. In fact, she likes to take one of mine and put her arms through the straps, then waltz around the house with it drooping off. She's even said before, "I wish I had a bra." But, that's another story....)
"My noodles went in my tummy," she informed me as well.
"Mine did too," I said, "But I still have BROTH left in my bowl." I said pointing.

I spent a few more minutes trying to clarify the situation (because Lord knows I don't want Bree to end up telling someone I put noodles in my bra) but I don't think it really helped. She dropped the subject but I'm not sure if I got through or not.

She's one smart cookie but I guess some concepts are just still a little abstract for a toddler...who knew broth would be one of them?

Brianna has had several "owies" in the past few weeks, mainly on her legs as she gets accostomed to the new layout of the house and so forth. So, she's had a few scrapes on her knees and thighs. Being a toddler she naturally thinks that even the non-bleeding types of injuries deserve a band-aid. And she can even tell you why. "Mom, I need a band-aid to help me heal!" she'll tell me. (With Daddy being in a science field he's already talked with her about how our bodies can heal our owies.) Well, this week we've had two little boo-boos that are almost completely healed. As opposed to having scabs they're now smooth skin, just a red mark left where there was open skin. Brianna has really noticed that this time around and keeps pointing to the mark. "Mom, am I healed?" "Yep, your body healed itself. Your owie is gone now." I told her. "Mom, where did it go, in my butt?"

Now, I have NO IDEA where this idea came from. Maybe because the "butt" has an open area kind of like an owie is open at first? Or perhaps Bree thinks the word "body" refers to her rear end? I don't know but it was the weirdest thing to say!

"No, not in your butt. Why would you say that? It's just all better. Your body made it better." I said. "It went in my butt?" she asked. "No, not in your butt. That's enough now." I said.

What the heck? Where do they come up with these things?

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