Monday, August 25, 2008

Naked and Nutty

Bath time at our house continues to be not just functional, but fun too! It's a major event. Both kids go in the tub, both kids immediately start splashing and screeching (with happiness) and by the time it's over practically the whole bathroom is wet, walls, floor, and sometimes even the ceiling, not to mention that I'm pretty soaked myself. So, I decided it would be fun to share some pix of the action since Travis got some great shots last time.

Shampoo heads

'Tude in the tub. Hey Mom, "Aaaaagggghhh"
Monkey see monkey do.

My cute beaming bathers.

And for the first time on my blog, some gratuitous nudity! No really, just wanted to show you how cute the little man looks standing there. Check out those buns! Only time in his life mooning someone will be considered charming. :)

Finally, a shot of the newest trend at our house. The after-bath towel/cape race. I don't exactly know how or why it started but for the past few weeks the two of them think it's fun to put on a hoodie towel and then crawl around butt naked with their towels streaming out behind them like capes. I guess if it makes them happy for a few minutes it's harmless enough. I dunno, kids are funny.

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