Brianna is at the age where nap time is sort of hit and miss. She's transitioning between really needing that afternoon nap and just skipping it all together. But, Mom, however, still needs that down time so I've been insisting on having "rest time" every afternoon. During "rest time" Bree has to stay in her room between 1/2 hour to 45 minutes but she doesn't have to sleep. She can play quietly or read or whatever, just as long as she stays in there until I come to get her out. Some days she ends up falling asleep and taking a nap, some days she doesn't. I figure that if, after that amount of time, she hasn't fallen asleep then she probably isn't that tired on that given day. But then, that theory may be flawed, if the following pictures are any proof. This was a day when she played quietly in her room for a good long while and then kept popping out of her door to ask if she could come out yet. Finally, after about a half hour of that I decided it was useless to force it and let her come out. She asked if she could play computer and I said sure, and then got a phone call. After a few minutes of talking with my friend, I noticed it was WAY too quiet at that end of the house and walked back into my room to check on her. And this is what I found:

Passed out, fast asleep in a weird position in the computer chair. Sure, put her in a nice comfy bed and she's awake but contorted up in a chair equals zzzzzzz.....
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