He's into figuring out what all he can do with his hands and arms lately. So recently we've seen him doing some waving. I don't really know if he's to the level of control over it where he could wave back if you wave at him, but still, there he is waving at us quite often. It amuses us to wave back.
Keeping with the hand/arm motions, we've also seen some clapping going on. Again, he can't do it on demand or anything. But it's funny to see him doing it on occasion.
And he's teething. Yes, while we still haven't actually seen any chompers pop through those gums, you can see them hovering just under the surface. There are about 6 of them all lined up on the bottom, just under there, and I keep expecting to see some come through any time. Or maybe he'll just get a whole passel all at once! Meanwhile, understandably, he's been a bit more cranky than normal.
His little personality continues to develop as well. We had a little mischievous moment the other day... I was nursing him and he was kind of waving his free arm around in the air when he let it fall and his hand ended up accidentally smacking me on the cheek. Well, he got a little gleam in his eye and decided that was worth trying again but I could see where he was going and this time around when the hand came close to my face I grabbed it in mine. Then I looked down at him and said, "No, we don't hit Mommy." But when I turned his arm loose what did he do but turn around and start swinging his arm around again, right at my face. So, I took his hand in mine again and repeated. "Hey, don't hit your Mommy." ...and he laughed! Guess it's never too early to get a kick out of getting attention from a little rebellious activity. Well, okay so, he really had no idea that his smacking his little hand on my cheek might hurt, or be "naughty" so to speak, and was more laughing because he was getting a reaction. Which, is the same reason he's doing some hair pulling right now I think. But still...kind of funny to see him getting old enough to want to try something again, just to see what Mom will do. Can't believe we're at that phase already!
Noah's other new thing of late is he's starting to sit up. He's still a bit shaky at it and will suddenly stiffen up and flop over, but he's starting to get the hang of it. See for yourself...

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