Friday, February 01, 2008


Well, it's about time Noah had his own counterpoint to "Breeisms", a regular place where I can post his own little updates and funnies, so, here it is, Noahlogy (No-all-oh-gee). You like the name? I figured I couldn't just add "isms" to the end of his name because for one, I already use that for Bree and for two I dunno, I didn't think it worked with the vowel sounds. Anyways, since the suffix "ology" means "the study of" I thought it was a good fit. So, here we go...

  • checkup stats - Noah had his 6 month well baby check up a few days ago and I'm happy to say he's a very healthy boy. His official numbers are 17 lbs 4 oz and 27.5 inches long, which makes him in about the 50% percentile now. So, he's still a chubby kid, but I guess not destined to be moose sized his whole life. :)
  • baby on the wipes - Like a lot of babies, Noah isn't a huge fan of the diaper changing thing. Now that he's mobile he sort of resents me making him stay in one spot long enough to restore him to "fresh as a daisy" status and he'll start fussing at me. But, lo and behold, I've noticed that if the container of wipes is nearby, instead of crying he coos and paws at it. Why? Well because, there's a picture of a baby on it. Apparently, this is his best friend and they have great conversation during diaper changes. Although, the same doesn't seem to hold true for real life babies. The last few times he's been around other tots his age, nuthin', barely even looked at them.
  • flapping - What Noah does when he's excited. You can always tell if he's getting worked up about something because his arms flap so wildly I'm kind of surprised he hasn't actually lifted off the ground.
  • shrieking - One of Noah's favorite things to do, and he can do it quite well. He just loves to squeak things off at the very high end of his vocal range, as loud as he can. I have to explain to people on the phone, "Oh no, this is a happy noise," all the time. I don't know why this is so fun, but it must be something in the genes, both my kids have been recreational shriekers.

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