Aside from his usual baby babbling and rolling over and such, Noah made sure to show off his latest "tricks"...

Meanwhile, Bree spent most of her time playing pretend with her Grammy. As you regular readers out there know, she has quite a rich imaginary life with her Grammy DeeDee (because Grammy plays along so very compliantly). So, there they were back at it again. Most the time, it was their old standby, Brianna was the mommy with her baby "GooGoo," her favorite game to play with Grammy. (I think for the obvious power role reversal reasons.) And also Bree insisted on being called "Apple Cinnamon" (her usual alter ego) most the time as well, but she made clear to clarify to her GooGoo "but I'm still your mom too!" And there were some new imaginary games added this time as well... at any given time during the visit both Grammy and Brianna were cats, birds, doctors, or zookeepers. In which case Bree's official title would become respectively, Apple Cinnamon Cat, Apple Cinnamon Bird, Apple Cinnamon Doctor, or ZooKeeper. (Not sure why that last one didn't include the Apple Cinnamon part, but it didn't.) Although, any of these new games were added on top of the Bree/Mommy Grammy/Baby GooGoo scenario and so Grammy's new names for these games were, Baby Cat, Baby Bird, Little Doctor, and Little Zookeeper. Brianna was quite strict that we all address her properly during these times, otherwise she would either refuse to respond or correct whoever it was trying to talk to her. "Hey Bree..." "You mean, Apple Cinnamon Cat?" "Yes, Apple Cinnamon Cat, you want a snack?" The problem was, it was kind of hard to know exactly what her name was at any given time during the weekend so we were wrong most of the time. It got a bit confusing trying to keep it all straight! Even Bree would have to correct herself and would say things like, "GooGoo, I mean Little Zookeeper...."
While they were here it was really nice weather so we also managed a trip to a nearby park, much to Bree's delight. She's been at me all the time to take her to the park, but it's just been too cold for more than a 10 minute shiver fest. Finally this weekend though it was nice enough for a good long play at the park so we bundled the kiddos up and headed out.
While they were here it was really nice weather so we also managed a trip to a nearby park, much to Bree's delight. She's been at me all the time to take her to the park, but it's just been too cold for more than a 10 minute shiver fest. Finally this weekend though it was nice enough for a good long play at the park so we bundled the kiddos up and headed out.

After that it was a case of playground monkey see monkey do with Noah copying everything his big sis did. (Okay, more like we amused ourselves by making him follow along behind her and do stuff.)

Then Bree decided to try hiding out in one of the big tires. (One of my favorite things to do in elementary school.)

Then it was on to the swings. Here's Bree swinging, with attitude! (Little smuggy smirk.)

And with a little help from Grammy, here's Noah swinging as well, with attitude of a different flavor. This is his new face, this wrinkly nose scrunchy face. Not sure what it's all about...

Then we found a swing that was the perfect Noah size!

Okay, actually it was a balancing thingamabob, as Bree is demonstrating here while Noah admires her skills.

Time for a little rest on a bench and a quick smooch...

Not to be outdone in the having fun department, the big boys, (Trav and Grampy), who are both photography nuts, entertained themselves by having Travis slide down the slide and at the end they each took pictures.

Just time enough for one last father/kids swing on the tire swing...

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