Well I said it before but now it's really official that our little man is on the move! He's rolling more than ever and manages to roll all over the place, getting into just about everything from floor level up to about 18 inches off the ground. I think it's pretty funny for the most part because he's perfectly happy to make his way around whichever room I lay him down and happily babbles and rolls along. (I wonder if I attached a meter to him how far he's actually traveling in one day.) It's kind of amazing to me though how fast he's gotten to this stage already. Besides the rolling he's now added "mamama" to his babbles (not that he knows what it means) and one of his favorite activities in the past week is to hang out in his excersaucer with some Gerber puffs in the tray (the melt in your mouth kind so I don't have to worry about choking). He could spend all day just trying to figure out how to pick them up and get them in his mouth. See, he can get them into his fist but then it's the whole getting it from inside your fist to inside your mouth without dropping it part that's tricky. Most the time he resorts to trying to shove his whole fist in his mouth, but he does get the occasional puff actually into the mouth.
Anyways, just thought I'd share some shots of the little roller "in action."

Here he is, halfway through the big maneuver, look at the concentration and the effort there.
(And still managing to show his Bronco pride. go BSU!)

And whew! He made it and is now that much closer to...wherever it is he thinks he's going. (I think that pink poodle over there in the background was his goal.)

Of course, as I told you, the kid is kind of sneaky about his rolling around. He seems to pretend like he doesn't know how when someone is looking at him. See him here, trying to look all innocent like he's not thinking about rolling over and trying to get something he shouldn't get into.

Who me? I don't even know what rolling is!

Ho hum, just sitting here mom. It's not gonna happen while you're looking at me....

Aha! Caught him in the act! Although, what mischief he could possibly be getting into in the middle of a bare floor I have no idea. And yet, they always seem to find something don't they? :)

It used to be that Noah hated spending any time on his stomach. But now he seems to be fine just hanging out in this position, and it's great because its a whole new angle to catch him doing funny stuff in. This is his "keep your chin up, kid" pose.

I love this face! This one always cracks me up because I just find it funny when my infant raises his eyebrows questioningly at me. How is it they manage to master the "Aw gee Mom, gimme a break" expression at such an early age.
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