I'm not naive enough to really think that the kids well be the best of friends for every moment of their entire lives. I'm sure that they'll get thoroughly aggravated and tired of each other at times just like I did with my sibs, even though I love them to death. But for now anyways my two are pretty good buds. Bree seems genuinely glad to have Noah around most the time and already manages to play with him, in her own way. Of course, they're different people, and more importantly, at very different stages right now so they each have their own interests...

Noah is really into holding onto and inpsecting/gnawing on toys right now. This is his favorite rattle there in front. No really, it is his favorite, he's crying because he can't reach it and so far, frustration is an emotion he doesn't handle well. (But who does?)

Yep, this is what he does most. Hold things and gnaw on them, (that is, in between all that rolling around to get to the toys in the first place). Naturally, while Bree thinks all this is kind of funny to see him do, it can only hold her attention for a few minutes...

She's much more into doing big girl things these days... like, playing on the computer. She has a few parentally approved websites that we've bookmarked for her and she actually uses the mouse and can get online and to her favorites sites all by herself. Which, on the one hand is kind of good since she can somewhat self entertain this way for a little while, but on the other hand... well who knew I would need be battling with my 3 year old for computer time?
But, despite their gender, age, and personality differences they manage to find common ground more than you might think. Bree is especially fond of "showing" Noah how to do stuff...

...like, use the computer. But then, that only holds HIS attention for a few minutes.
(And here she's simultaneously teaching him about one of her other favorite hobbies, being a nudist.)

Or, here she is happily showing him about AquaDoodle. And about playing dress up.

Of course, it's fairly inevitable that sometime during their "play" she'll try to take advantage of her being older and bigger by trying out things like this on him. (Good thing it's a water marker!) He doesn't seem too upset about it though and takes most of this kind of big sister harassment pretty much in stride.

So, overall they do seem to like each other. Bree likes to lay on the smooches. Here she is coming in for one, and look at Noah's face. Can't really blame him though, you can never quite tell what she's going to do when she's in close like that.

Awww... so sweet.
Guess I'll try to enjoy it now and remember these times down the road when they're picking at each other. ("Mom, Noah won't stop LOOKING at me! Make him stop...")
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