Time for an update about Noah:
- statistics - Well, Noah went in for his 9 month well baby check last week. He now weighs 18 lbs. 12 oz. and is 29 inches "tall." That means bye bye baby car seat and hello big boy seat. Although, he still has to face backwards in the car.
- spaghetti - Being into table food like he is, Noah tried out his first spaghetti the other day. And man, did he like it! He had it all over. It was hilarious, because by the end of dinner he was slurping them down like a pro, sucking them down one at a time. How is it that kids seem to figure that out in about 5 minutes all on their own? Here's Mr. Spaghetti Face himself...

Slurping it down.

What a goof!

I think he likes it!

Of course, this only reminded me of another young spaghetti eater from a few years back.

- rolling stone - Noah continues to get more and more mobile, zipping around here like nobody's business. And now he's been getting up on hands and knees alot as well, working on the traditional version of crawling vs. his current army crawl. I've even seen him do a bear crawl for a few seconds, you know with his arms and legs both straight. Well, all this mobility is allowing him to pick up a few fun new habits. One of his favorite things to do is just plain odd if you ask me, which is that he really enjoys kicking all the walls. Yep, he's always thought kicking both legs at the same time really hard, like a bucking bronco, was a great activity but now he crawls around kicking all the walls. Maybe to test how sound they are? Not sure but... His other new favorite thing is not a hit with me. He's into messing with all the doors. He loves to crawl into a room and push on the door till it's almost closed, then stick one little finger in the crack and pry it back open. And quite often he manages to slam the door and then there he is, stuck on whichever side with no way of going through whereupon he usually yells to let me know he's stuck again. I'm already not a fan of closed doors or playing with the doors when it comes to the kids and it's a bit weird, hearing a door close in this house and having to yell out already, "Kids! Which one of you was that!"

Kicking the wall with nudist Bree joining in as well.

- drama king - I have often called Noah my "easy baby" because in lots of ways he's been easier so far than his sister was at this age. She was just more fussy and less content. But, as Noah gets older I am less convinced of his "easiness." I mean, he's fairly laid back in lots of ways, but then, he definitely already has strong opinions about things and tends to get upset if things aren't going exactly the way he thinks they should be. And I think he's on pace to rival, if not surpass Brianna in the obstinate, I know who I am and what I want, my way or the highway areas. I know what you're thinking. Surely not, that quiet sweet baby? Well I tell you, he's a bit of a tyrant in getting you to do exactly what he wants, especially when it comes to his food. The kid acts like we never feed him. When he was eating more baby food, we would feed him a whole container of the stuff, then after he finished that, we'd use the same container, now empty, and fill it back up with rice cereal. Well, it took us a minute to mix the rice cereal and sit back down in front of him. Meanwhile the whole time he would be bawling his eyes out like he was still just starving and he was sure you were denying him more food. Then there was the pink milk incident the other day. See, Noah is starting to be able to use a sippy cup. He's figuring it out pretty well actually. So the other day he was rolling around on the floor and got a hold of one of his sister's sippy cups, actually managing to hold onto it, get it into his mouth, and start sucking noisily and making little happy sounds. I figure, oh well, what's germs between siblings right? And I let him go for it. It was only a few seconds later that I could tell the cup was empty, you could hear the air sucking noise they make when the liquid is gone. I didn't think it was a great idea to let the kid suck a bunch of air down, in case it would give him a tummy ache. So, I say, "Here, let me fill that up for you," and I take the cup into the kitchen. Naturally, this made Noah burst into immediate angry tears that I had taken his cup. In the kitchen, when I opened up the cup I realized WHY Noah was so happy to have that particular cup, it had just a little bit of strawberry milk left in it. It was no big deal really, 'cause it was just a little bit. But the doc says no cow's milk until Noah is 1 year old and he doesn't really need the extra sugar in the strawberry syrup either. So, I filled the cup up with water instead and tried to hand it off to the little screaming kid and calm him down. But, what do you think happened? He took one big swig, his eyes got all big because he realized it was water and he started bawling even harder! He even tried it again and took another sip just to make sure and that just made him more mad. Poor baby, Mom won't let him drink his sweetened pink milk.
This one's gonna give me a run for my money in toddlerhood, I can see it coming already. :)
1 comment:
That picture of him with the noodle in his mouth is SOOO cute!
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