At our house, bath time isn't just about cleanliness, it's both entertainment and an all out social gathering as well.

There are those kids who hate baths, but not mine, they're water monkeys. Both my kids love their baths, and have from day one really. I mean, what's not fun? There's the bath toys, the splashing...

And now, there's even a playmate to splash so it's even more fun! Actually, in this shot, Bree is scrubbing up Noah with that ducky scrubber there. She takes her big sister responsibilities seriously, right down to helping make sure her baby brother stays clean.

What happy, smiley little tub tots. They're sure cute in there together.
Although, if you ask me, the after bath is pretty cute too...

With Noah in his little lion towel,

And Bree in her litte pink robe.

Not to mention the whole PJ and combing of hair that comes afterwards. (Which for Bree, usually involves me chasing her around the house with the comb.) But, then, that's a whole other story...
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