I don't know what it is this year, maybe the fact the Easter came abnormally early, but spring sure does seem to be taking a long time to firmly arrive. I think the actual calendar date came and went some time back, but tell that to the weather. Around here it's still been cold and windy enough to mostly keep everyone inside with fairly raging cases of cabin fever. Finally though, just this week we've had a few balmier days. Nice enough to actually go outside and enjoy for a few minutes. Of course, it's just been a tease. A nice day here, followed by spits of snow the next day, but still, nice to get out for a bit. So, here's some shots of all of us enjoying some time outdoors this week.
to our blog, where you can keep up with the kids' lives. This is where I talk about their daily adventures and my thoughts on parenting. Raising kids can be a challenge but then, they also keep me laughing!
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