Well, today was officially Bree's first day of preschool! Yep, after me being quite indecisive and hemming and hawing on the subject, I finally found a place and a program I'm comfortable with and we took the plunge! Actually, Bree's been pretty ready for some time now, it was me who was dragging my feet. In fact, some time back we actually did some "test days" at a few places but I chickened out at the last minute both times. I just wasn't comfortable with it at the time. But now, for a variety of reasons, the timing is just right. For awhile there, we couldn't even think about preschool because most of them won't take kids who aren't potty trained. So, since Bree was on the later side of that spectrum, not being fully trained until almost 3 and a 1/2, it was just out of the picture. Really though that hasn't been the issue for awhile now though, that being firmly under control for about 6 months. What made me really take another look at the option was Brianna herself. She has a little friend, Nick, who's 5 this year and has started kindergarten, a subject of much fascination and excitement for Bree. Ever since the beginning of the school year it's been this "Mom, when I turn 5 can I go to kindergarten too? How long until I'm 5 Mom? Is kindergarten far away? Will I ride the bus to get there?" and so forth. The kid just can't wait to be 5 already and get to kindergarten! Our school district though, is in the process of switching to an all day kindergarten format and I keep thinking to myself that will be quite some transition, going from all day at home to ALL day at school suddenly. So, seeing her anticipation in the area, and my desire to ease her into it a little less abruptly, I asked her if she wanted to go to school sooner than 5 and did she think she would like preschool. You can guess her response, she was all for it! I did a little more research this time and found a place I thought might work and we tried it out last Monday, where I stayed all day with Bree to observe the class and see what the environment was like and how she did. And it was wonderful! Being only about 8 weeks from turning 4 (!), because Bree does well with older children, and since the 2 and 3 year old class was full, Brianna is in the 4 and 5 year old class which is taught by Miss Jo. Miss Jo is a grandma, a wonderful lady who is very kind but also very firm. In fact, she has such impressive control over her young class, insisting on manners and good decorum, with so little sternness required that I felt like I should attend her class regularly, if only to figure out how on earth she does it! They fall in line like little lambs. She has the kids doing all kinds of great educational things that will reinforce some of the things we've been working on at home with Bree, and even has them starting on their letters if they want to and seem ready. But aside from that aspect, I think it's great if only because it gives Brianna a chance to be active, do some artwork, and play with other kids and know she can do all that away from Mom just as much as she can at home. Although, Bree has never been one to have separation anxiety. From the very first time I ever had to leave her she's just waved happily and yelled "Bye Mom!"
Anyways, as I said, we tried the class out together last week, but today was Bree's first day there solo. She was pretty excited about it, and so was I but I still had the tiniest bit of anxiety, what if she didn't like it or got hurt or cried the whole time or something? Just in case, since I couldn't be there, I insisted that Ginger the stuffed dog go along in the event Brianna needed some comforting. Alas, my worrying, so very small as it was, was all for naught. True to form Bree bounded inside and even as I signed her in she quickly forgot I even existed, and 2 and a half hours later, when I returned to pick her up she said, "Mooom, I want to stay a little longer!" Miss Jo informed me she did very well and when I asked Bree all about it on the way home it was the typical conversation. "So, did you learn something today?" "Yep!" "Well, what was it?" "Well, we played and talked about stuff. And Mom, our snack was a cookie. It was somebody's burtsday today!" (Notice the cookie gets more air time than the "stuff" they learned.) Then she made me laugh by informing me, "Mom, today I was their student. Last time I was their guest." She told me repeatedly and I think this must have been something directly from Miss Jo, who last time, didn't make Bree follow all the rules since she was new.
The experience was good for me too. For my part I got 2 and a half hours with half the kids I normally have! It was weird and totally liberating! I'd forgotten how easy it is to go grocery shopping with only a baby in tow. Then we came home, Noah napped and I had some free time to pursue a few work at home ventures I've got in the works, that if you don't already know about, I'm sure you'll be hearing about in the next few weeks.
So, it seems like it will be a good thing all the way around. Bree and I can have just the slightest breathing room from 9 to 11:30 am on Mondays and Wednesdays and maybe appreciate and enjoy each other more the rest of the time.
Too cool for school:

Here she is, ready for her first big day at school, lookin' like such a big girl! She doesn't look that excited, but that's because she's striking a cool pose. Don't you love the outfit and the sunglasses! She picked it out herself. She's had those sunglasses forever and they're still her favorite fashion accessory.

What I got when I asked her to smile.

Her first ever "homework." :)