Yep, we're expecting! Of course, Bree has no idea what the sign really says. According to all my parenting books we don't need to tell her until the last trimester, otherwise it's just too long of a wait to make sense to her. But, I figured it's time to tell you all anyways. We've known for awhile but I wanted to wait to tell everyone. But now, at almost 10 weeks we've had our first appointment, seen the heartbeat and everything seems to be smooth-sailing so it's time to share the news. Brianna's baby sister or brother will be due in mid to late July. Hopefully, that helps explain some of my comments about feeling frazzled and tired and why I've been so bad lately about keeping up with my writing. I'm just super energy-zapped (this whole creating another human thing is tiring!) and haven't had the energy to spare at the end of the day.
Of course, this brings up some questions on my part. I mean, this was a planned pregnancy and all but still, I'm left wondering, "Can I handle two?" "What was I thinking?" "How will Bree deal with the divided attention of her parents when she's been the center of our world for almost 3 years now?" And so on. But, really, all that's just side issues compared to the big, important question and that is....what do do about blogging? Does this mean I need to start a new blog for the new baby? I mean I want to be fair and all. And if the cute story involved both kids would I post it on both sites or what?? But, I'm already having trouble keeping up with just this one! :) Seriously though, I think this site will have to become Brianna and so-and-so's Big Adventures. But we have another 6 or so months until that happens. Stay tuned though!

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