Friday, December 01, 2006

Too Much TV and Krabby Finger Painting

It seems despite my best efforts to have Bree watch less TV she's still watching more than I would like. It's just too easy to turn it on for her while I'm trying to get dinner ready (way easier to cook without someone holding onto your knees the whole time). Or, like recently, when I haven't been feeling 100%, the TV tends to be on more than normal. But, I mean, she does learn stuff from what she watches.

Like this morning she was watching Curious George, the cartoon series. In this episode, the man with the yellow hat and George went to the Dr.'s office. There was a whole segment about the Dr. using his stethescope to listen to everyone's heartbeat. And, the Dr. let Curious George borrow the stethescope to listen to things. While he was listening to all kinds of things George heard a mysterious beeping noise and he couldn't tell where it was coming from. In the end, George figures out what was beeping with much misadventures and silliness in between. Well, after watching this show Bree started talking about heartbeats. Of course, she got a little bit confused about the heartbeat and the beeping noise George had heard. So, she was asking me, "Hey Mom, do you hear my heart beeping?" I just said, yes I did, rather than try to explain it.

Some time later in the day we fingerpainted. And, yep, TV managed to have an influence on that as well...

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