Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Buzz Lightyear Does Some Houswork (Sort of)

So I guess I'll just ruin the surprise, (well actually quite a few people know already so...) Brianna has decided to be Buzz Lightyear for Halloween! Okay technically I think I decided for her but I'm pretty sure that's what she wants. She's always racing, um I mean, flying around the house with her arms out in front of her going "I'm a guhl (girl) Buzz Lightyear!" Since that movie came out a few years ago now I wasn't sure if I could easily find a Buzz Lightyear costume. But it was actually easy. (God bless you Target!) I just strolled into the store yesterday and there they were...toddler sized Buzz costumes. When we came down the costume aisle Bree first saw the Woody the cowboy costume. "I want Woody!" she said. "Okay," you can be Woody if you want but did you see these Buzz Lightyear ones?" "Ooh...I want Buzz Lightyear!" she declared. And that was that. We got it home and of course Brianna insisted on trying it on immediately. (It's a little big since she's a dinky kid. I'm gonna have to make a few alterations. Being the huge nerd I am, I also want to make her some wrist guards out of toilet paper rolls, and some cardboard wings, just like Buzz. Except, I'm thinking I might cut a few holes in the "helmet" part so she can have her piggy tails poking through!) It's a pretty funny sight to see a tiny Buzz walking around your house, she wore it the rest of the day. Somehow we convinced her at bedtime she needed to get some pajamas on and not sleep in her costume, (she calls it her Buzz Lightyear shirt) and I tucked it away, hoping to leave it hidden until Halloween. I should have known better! First thing this morning, before we'd gotten her out of bed she's yelling from her crib, "I WANNA WEAR MY BUZZ LIGHTYEAR SHIRT!" And she's been wearing it since we woke up this morning...

Meanwhile since we're having a visitor arrive tomorrow (Grammy Deb) I've been trying to clean up my pig sty of a house. I started with the bathrooms since I don't want people to be afraid to use them or anything. So, in I went armed with my spray and a scrubby sponge. Bree, I mean, Buzz followed along behind me and wanted to help. Buzz seemed particularly interested in using the cleaning spray. Well, since Buzz is too little to handle those kinds of chemicals I said no and instead handed her the little orange squirt bottle we use to spray the cat when he's naughty. Buzz thought that was great and was soon "helping" me clean by spraying jets of water all over the bathroom. I had to convince Buzz not to spray the mirrored doors after I just Windexed them though. After a while, Buzz lost interest and moved onto more important matters, like standing on one of the tiny chairs in her room and making red monkeys hold hands to form a long chain. All around, a very productive morning for both of us!

(By the way...if anyone remotely connected to Pixar should happen to read this post, I'm pretty sure you owe me some money! I just mentioned one of the main characters from one of your movies a good...oh 19 or so times if you count the three times I typed Woody as well. Oop! Make that 20 times...I mean I should get paid for that kind of thing! You just can't buy that kind of free advertising...oh wait...oh nevermind then.)

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