Saturday, October 28, 2006


Even thought the official day hasn't even arrived yet, it's been all about Halloween around here the past few days. Since Halloween itself actually falls on a Tuesday, since we don't want our 2 yr old out real late, and since we don't want her to have a whole lot of candy, we're not planning to do much that evening. (But, we still want to get our money's worth out of the costume!) So, instead, we've been enjoying going to a few daytime events. We had our own party yesterday and today we joined up with Scott, Hannah, and Kadyn at the MN Zoo for HallZOOween! It was a great time! There were a ton of little kids all dressed up and all the zoo staff were in full costume too. They had stations set up for the kids to "trick-or-treat" at with candy and prizes. So, we strolled around and got to see the animals, and the gals were thrilled with their little goodie bags. All this before lunch and nap time even. :)

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