Check it out, here's your proof:

Oh yeah, that's me sitting at my own kitchen table in front of a pile of presents.
It's this next shot that really captures the craziness of the celebration though...

You see, for those of you who may not know, yes, in high school I was a so called "band geek." I played the flute and did marching band, pep band, was in the pit for a few plays... (some of the best people and times of my life!) So, I have a musical background. Although, its been years since I've flexed my musical muscles. And lately I've been wanting to get back to that. This time around though, instead of the flute, I thought it would be fun to be a drummer! I like songs with a beat so why not BE the beat, right? (And, to satisfy my early midlife crisis, it was either be a drummer, or get a leather jacket and a motorcycle! Trav opted for the safer of the two that wouldn't drive our insurance sky high.) Alas, we have no space for a full sized drum set, so we found the perfect solution, Guitar Hero! And since we got the World Tour version, the whole family can play, there's a guitar and a mic as well. (Noah's the groupee, only job he qualified for.) Truthfully though, most the time we wait until the kids are off to bed and then Travis and I get our rock on! I have to say, I'm not half bad either!

My "drum set" and I "in action." I'm trying to wade through the menus to get to play a song for the first time. Yep, so far it's been a whole lot of fun and satisfies my musical urges and my need to get out some aggression after a hard day by beating on something. :) As an added bonus, it's also a bit of an ego builder since, at the end of every song you successfully complete it tells you,


1 comment:
Hi Elizabeth. I just found your blog through your facebook page, and I can't wait to read through it. Check mine out at
Anita gave me some towels and napkins you created for Christmas and I just love them. They are coffee themed, and will go great in my coffee themed kitchen.
Nice to connect up with you again.
Carol Roberts
Silver Valley Girl
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