Yes, I realize that my posts are getting farther and fewer between here folks. I also realize that quite a few of them consist largely of narrated pix. I have several excuses... the holidays, growing kids keeping me busy, other hobbies take up time, (yes, I've been cheating on Blogger with Facebook, sewing, and Guitar Hero, don't judge me!), and so on. Well, one of these days I'll get back into a groove and maybe even start writing entries with actual words, organized into thoughts even. Until then, play yourself some elevator music in your head and please enjoy this photo montage of my kids having way too much fun than should be legal while in the bath tub:

Who needs toys? At our house they just like to scream it up at the top of their voices. It's for therapeutic reasons really, stress relief and all that, plus they get great reverb in there.

Naturally, they find this quite hysterical. Mommy just finds it headache inducing! But, I can't be mad at them for it when they look so darn cute and happy.
Hey look it's Snorkel Steve!

Bree got this snorkel set for Christmas, she's wanted one for years now, and we finally found just the right thing for her. Of course, since it's too cold to play outside with it, the kids wanted to use it in the tub. Noah, however, didn't seem to be quite grasping what exactly these things were for...

...then he decided he liked the breathing tube as a trombone better. And he thought the goggles made a better hat.
We tried to show him how you really wear the goggles. Bree even demonstrated.

Noah didn't really appreciate that though.
They do love taking their baths together, twice the splashing, twice the fun! Which isn't to say they don't have their little disputes over the bath toys. But, they always make up...

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