It's that lovely time of year for gardeners when they get to start harvesting some of the fruits and veggies they've been so patiently nurturing all summer long. At my grandma's house, (aka Bree's "Grape Grammy"), it was her peach tree that was full of ripe fruit, ready for picking, and she thought it would be fun to have Brianna and Noah over to help gather them.

Bree was an eager helper and immediately started up the ladder and went to work finding peaches.

Up and down she went...

And here she is showing off her finds. She was pretty proud of herself.

How's that for a classic fall portrait? :)
Not wanting to be left out, little brother was soon trying to climb up the ladder as well.
Of course, he was too small to actually use the ladder. But, with an assist from Grandpa he got in on the action as well.

Here can't you just see him thinking, "Wait, am I supposed to be picking the peaches or the leaves? Hmmm...."

Counting the spoils...

Being in somewhat of a putting things in and out, and in and out, and in and out over and over again type phase, Noah continued to "organize" peaches, long after Bree had lost interest.
And after sorting the peaches got a bit old, the ladder continued to be a source of great interest and entertainment for Noah. He is just sure he's a full grown man now and wants to be Mr. Independent Big Britches.

Finally, Noah decided it was time to taste the day's bounty...

...and quickly discovered that peaches are covered in a pretty non-palatable fuzz.

"Grape Grandpa" came to the rescue, showing Noah how it's done.

Grandpas sure are useful that way. :)

Yep nothin' cuter or more classic than a kid sitting with some sun-warmed, freshly picked fruit in Grandma's lawn on a gorgeous fall day.

Except maybe for one pig-tailed little peach-picker, looking rather satisfied with herself.

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