Here he comes!

Brianna was pretty excited about her brother walking. She said, "Now he's not a baby anymore, he's a toddler!"
There he goes back the other way...

Of course, what better way to commemorate your first walk than to do it the second time around with celebratory, silly accessories? At least, that's the way we do it around here.
Aside from establishing his big boy status by walking all over the place now, as Noah gets older it's becoming obvious just how "all boy" he is. Some of his favorite activities lately that exhibit his maleness include: crashing into things around the house on his little tiny push bike, dunking his head over and over again in the kiddie pool and coming up gasping and laughing, kicking the back of his big sister's seat in the double stroller until she yells and then trying to look innocent, and climbing up onto whatever he can. Did I mention that he also finds nose-blowing and burping quite amusing? He actually applauds for them! Yes, it's apparent that Noah has a bit of a mischievous streak.
On top of all this he's also started talking a lot more. Well, okay, he has a few words that the general populous could understand and the rest are sort of nonsense sounds that only Mom can understand. But, I know what he means because he says the same "word" consistently for certain things. Right now he can say: "uh-oh" when he drops something, "ga-ga" for Grandma, and "ba" for binky. He also barks when he sees a dog and has "words" I can't quite express in writing for kitty and all done.
The little guy is just flourishing with every passing day. All that learning and growing is enough to make a mini-dude pretty tired! So when he needs a break he does something that I find perhaps most amusing thing about him lately- getting up into a patio lounge chair and laying there with his hands behind his head. (I'll try to snap a shot for you later.) It's pretty hysterical. :) He's sure a character and charms me everyday with his funny little personality.
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