I give up! I officially give up trying to do this blog on any kind of regular schedule, at least for the summer. Actually, that's kind of the story of my life right now... I'm trying to be more flexible, live in the moment, do the best I know how at any given time and loosen up a bit, stop trying to have so much control over my life and let it happen. So, why not apply that to my blog as well? It's supposed to be fun and not an obligation right? I know, I know, overly deep thoughts for this generally fluffy type blog. Truth is, I know I keep saying it, but things are just a bit crazy around here lately and again, I ask for your patience out there while I find my footing. And it doesn't help that everything seems to be happening at once lately. Big events and holidays and such all piling on top of one another left and right. So actually, I was out of town again this last week and it's virtually impossible in the midst of all the hulabaloo to find time to blog.
Anyways, I was back in Idaho to be a part of my baby sister's wedding. (Congrats Emily and Carl!) So naturally, there was much running around and getting ready, hair and nail appointments and spiffing up of self and family to look presentable for the big day. Since we were in town we also had a lot of fun celebrating the Fourth of July with our families, which I think is the first time we've gotten to do that since we first moved away 7 years ago. And, not to mention Travis's big 3-0 was in there too, so now he's officially over the hill! (Feel free to razz him about it all you want.)
See, I told you, just tons going on and it shows no signs of slowing down either. Coming up is Noah's first birthday and Travis has a big business trip soon where he'll be leaving me for a whole week to deal with the kiddos on my own...or rather, since I'm a big baby and don't feel like being a singe parent that long, I'll be back in Idaho so my mommy can help me. (Yes, I've been in Idaho more than home over the last month it seems!)
So that's the story from here...
Travis was the official photographer for Em's wedding but as such, I am forbidden from sharing any of the key shots with you at this point since they aren't fully edited and even the bride and groom haven't seen them yet. But, I was allowed to show you a few pix of the bride and her big sis.

Isn't she a beautiful bride?! I loved her dress and mine too.

Emily and her bridesmaids. Me on the right, Melissa, the baby of the family, in the middle, and Em's new sister in law on the left.

Brianna got to be one of the flower girls. It was her first time being one, and she was enthralled with her pretty dress and getting to throw the petals with her friend and new cousin, Ella. They did a great job too and looked adorable.
And even Noah dressed up for the occasion in a baby tux and bow tie. He was the handsomest man there.

After the wedding it was time for Fourth of July fun and we did all the usual stuff....

The kids had fun cooling off in the pool... and looking cool in their shades too!

It wouldn't be the fourth without enjoying some watermelon either. I think Noah must have almost consumed a whole watermelon all by himself! He loves the stuff! (Who doesn't?)

And then of course, there were fireworks. We did our own little show in the driveway and the kids loved it. Surprisingly, Noah wasn't afraid of them, even though the vacuum scares him, somehow the loud noises of fireworks were okay. I dunno....

Bree playing with her glow stick ball.
Enjoying a sparkler with Grandma.
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