A cute shot of my little toothy man, which only reminded me of another little teether from a few years ago. Ahhh....memories!

Turning 1 year old and getting teeth has really made Noah feel like a big boy. He thinks he can do all kinds of big kid stuff and gets frustrated when he can't or when his mom tries to help him do it. Already wants to do everything himself and is too big for his britches!
And he's not far from doing a lot more on his own either. He's forever ditched his army crawl in favor of the traditional baby crawl and is pulling up and walking holding on to everything, even standing for a few seconds on his own. I'm sure he'll be taking his first steps in no time. He's also "talking" a ton. He can carry on a whole conversation in baby babble, throwing in the occasional "mama" or "dada" or his "I'm mad" noise, "nay-nay-nay." His newest thing though is going "uh-huh" or "mmm-hmm." So he pretty much answers yes to everything these days, even when he doesn't mean it... how very accommodating of him. Funny thing is he actually says it at the right time and seems to know what he's saying quite often. Of course, that may be partly due to the fact that it amuses me to try and phrase as many questions as I can that he can answer yes to. "You want me to pick you up?" "uh-huh." "Noah, would you like a snack?" "mm-hmmm." "Do you know the price of tea in China?" "mm-hmmm." "Would you, could you, eat green eggs and ham with a fox, in a box?" "uh-huh." And sometimes he and I, we just like to have a round of mutual agreement and so we just go back and forth. "Hey Noah, uh-huh," "Mmm-hmm," "uh-huh," "uh-huh," and if he really gets into it, he even nods his head yes as well. Believe me, I'm savoring it now, while I can, before it all turns to "No, no no no!" :)
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