Thursday, May 01, 2008


It's been funny to me to watch Brianna lately and see that already she's trying to be so grown up, even trying to use bigger and more adult sounding words in her speech like:

  • "pig-sky" - which she either can't say right or misheard me say. And I say it pretty often in reference to her room in particular. These days she'll beat me to it and when we pass her room after she's dumped every blessed toy into the floor she'll go, "Mom, my room sure is a pig sky isn't it?"
  • apparently - this one cracked me up. I can't even remember what it was she was saying to me at the time but it started out, "Mom apparently....." the rest was just a blur since I was so focused on how funny it sounded to hear her using that word. Although, I know she got it from me, I use it a lot and find myself typing it a lot here too. I don't know why I find it so amusing to hear small people using big words but...

The other thing she does which sounds so grown up and always surprises me is brings up things from long enough back that I was sure she wouldn't remember them.
  • elephant memory - They say elephants never forget and apparently neither does Bree. She will be talking along to me and casually bring up things from when she was 18 months old even. Her favorite blasts from the past are (in order from most recently happened to most distantly in the past): her cousin Chad, who visited almost 9 months ago, Bogart, and our "old house."

Chad is actually Trav's cousin who's around 13 now I think and he must have made a big impression on Brianna. She's always like, "Hey Mom, Chad's my cousin right?" and on from there.

On to Bogart the cat....well, I don't think I've mentioned it yet so some of you may be wondering but alas, Bogart the cat has moved on. No, he's not dead but he lives somewhere else and has since about 2-3 months after we moved here. I think, with me being pregnant and the move we just weren't paying enough attention to him, it was all just too much for him, and he decided to adopt a new family. So one day he just walked out and since he wears a collar, I got a call from a lady a few blocks down and went to get him. But, he just kept going back there and after several repeat performances of this, I gave up... it's obvious he's happier there. Well, anyways, this was a little bit confusing for Bree and she mentions him all the time still, even though it's been a year since he's lived with us.

And then there's our "old house"/apartment, viewed with much nostalgia by Bree. "Mom, remember our old house? Let's go back there. I liked it there." And here I thought that she was little enough when we moved not to make it quite as traumatic as for an older kid. I thought she wouldn't even remember...

But, despite her vocabulary and copycatting adult behaviors, she's still just 3 years old and sometimes adult behaviors baffle her.

  • dandelion upset - I guess to a kid, a flower is a flower and what's a weed? We have a dandelion infestation at our house. They're just taking over the yard...much to Brianna's joy. She has a blast running around, picking them and making little bouquets and such. The other day, since it's warming up and it's time to start thinking about yardwork, she overheard Travis and I talking about getting some spray to try and kill them. "No!" she said, "I like them! They're pretty!"

1 comment:

theschramfam said...

I love how our girls seem to do the same things at the same time - even though they're far apart :) The dandelion thing has been going on a LOT here. Today, Gracie stood in the yard, with hands on both hips - looking at our neighbors infestation and says "oh, they're SO beautiful!" :)