Sunday, May 04, 2008

Farmer's Market

Well, finally, one of my projects came to fruition this weekend at the first Farmer's Market here in town... See, it all started when several of my friends were all having babies last summer and I decided to sew them their shower gifts, mainly burp cloths and bibs out of cute fabrics and so on. (Things my mom made for me and my own children and I've really enjoyed.) After making 3-4 sets I thought I was getting pretty good, having lots of fun, and could whip them out pretty quickly so I decided to have my own booth this year at the farmer's market. As Khalil from Veggie Tales' Jonah would say (in an Indian accent), "sewing runs very deep in my family." My mom sews, my grandma sews, my aunts sew, my cousins sew. What can I say? I'm someone who needs a project to work on, I like creating, whether it's with words or with fabric. :) Anyways, I gathered up a stack of fabric and starting sewing away, sewed all winter and felt ready to take on the market yesterday, the first official market of the season. From the start I decided I needed a niche, you know, something that would be "my thing." What's my thing you ask? Well, having a whole set of coordinated baby things that's a ready to go shower gift. And I had lots of fun pairing up the fabrics and picking which decorative stitch to use and so on. (And for those of you thinking, did she find time to do all that on top of everything else us moms have to do? Well, I'll tell you, I'm not Wonderwoman and I can only juggle as many balls as the next woman and some of them were dropped. For one thing I virtually stopped watching TV, not a bad thing really, and sewed most evenings. Also, okay, I'll admit it, my housework and cleaning may have suffered just a teensy bit. By teensy bit you of course realize I mean, the house was a wreck quite often.)

So, this is what's been keeping me away from the computer, and made my blogging a bit sporadic the past few weeks, finalizing all the last minute stuff to get ready to show off my "products" to the public. One of those details was picking out a name for my little booth and being the extreme creative genius that I am, I took a page from my in-laws naming of family companies book and just lumped the first syllable of both my kids names together and came up with: Breeno Baby. Yep, that's the "brand name" now. I think it's unique and fitting, since I make baby items, to name it after my babies.

The Breeno Baby booth at the farmer's market.

It all came to a head yesterday as I presented my work to the passers-by on the street in my home town. And it was a great day! The weather was beautiful, crisp and sunny, they had music playing in the background and I had a blast just even being there. Plus, to top it all off we actually made a few sales! Hooray!

Along with my physical booth, I'm also selling my items on, which if you haven't heard of, is a wonderful site to buy and sell handmade goods. And, you know, with the current global environmental worries, it's a handmade revolution, don't you know! So, if you want to spy on me and see what I've been up to, or if you'd like to buy quality, adorable, handmade baby item gift sets for you or an expecting friend you should check me out at Oh, and while you're at it, if you want to check out some totally unique and fun handbags you should also take a peek at my cousin's site (plug plug plug) :)

What's that you say? This reminds you of that Wow Wow Wubzy music video I posted a while back that you're thinking perhaps I took a little too much to heart and interpreted a bit too literally. What? You thought it was kinda catchy and cute and you'd like to watch that again without having to dig through this blog's archive? Well, who am I to get in the way of your guilty Wow Wow Wubzy pleasure? Here you go! (It should be etsy and every crafter's theme song anyway.) And remember, the best kinda gifts are made by hand.... (but just to clarify, mine don't involve glued together macaroni.)

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