- espanol - Bree is now into making up her own words. She'll walk in and go "Hey Mom, look at this grblickmmer." The funny thing is she'll then stare at me like I should know what that is. For awhile I was completely confused as to why she was doing this since on my part I thought the days of me staring at her in confusion and trying to decipher the random syllables coming out of her mouth were over. Finally though the other day when I questioned her about it she told me, "Mom, I'm speaking Spanish!" Ah, just like Deigo or Dora does but I guess it sounds like random syllables to Bree because that's what comes out when she talks in her "second language"!
- scrumptious - Brianna's new favorite word to describe food. "How's your dinner Bree?" "It's scrumptious!" or "Mom, this toast is sure scrumptious!"
- grazing - Something most toddlers do. You know, wander around the house with a snack in hand. Bree however has elevated this to a new art at our house. We have to watch out not to leave portable, self contained snacks sitting around like apples or muffins. Why? Because Brianna will wander by, grab one up and start munching on it. But what's wrong with that? you ask. Well I'll tell you! Because the kid never finishes a single one of them! Apparently after about 5-10 bites they turn icky and she'll decide she needs a new one, leaving the old one wherever she was standing at the time. It's not unusual at the end of the day for me to find 5 or 6 different little snacks like this scattered around the house all with little nibbles out of them.
- Apple Cinnamon - is what Brianna has renamed herself, perhaps influenced by the characters of Strawberry Shortcake stories we've been reading recently. Sometimes she even refuses to respond unless you call her this.
- self-narration - Seems Bree is now into narrating her own life. Every so often she can be heard describing her actions as she goes...."Then she walked over and picked up Gingy..." Seriously, not kidding. I really think sometimes she sees her life as a movie.
- sticking out her tongue - Bree's new favorite thing to do. I'm NOT a fan. It's just not very flattering and to me, smacks of extreme brattiness. Especially in those instances when the tongue flies out in response to me needing to correct her. So, I've taken a stand on this one, can't tell you how many time outs she's incurred for this particular infraction. Now she's taken to holding her hand up to her mouth and sticking her tongue out at me behind it. I'm not fooled but the funny thing is that Bree thinks she's pulling one over on me, she's pretty sure I don't know what's going on behind the hand.
- packages - one of Bree's favorite things to get ever, she loves mail! You can tell because the other day when she volunteered to say grace at the dinner table..."Thank you for our family, and for our food and for packages and mail! The end."

What a little rascal!
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