Before I had kids, if you had told me that both my children would end up with blue eyes I would have laughed. Being married to a person with brown eyes, and with his whole family having brown eyes as well I just assumed that I'd have kids with dark eyes. It's basic genetics, brown is supposed to be the dominate color. So, when Bree ended up with blue eyes, I was sure that the next one would have brown. But alas, both blue and according to the doc if Noah's eyes were going to be a different color they would have started to change by now. So, both kiddos are blue eyed, go figure. But they do have different colors of blue. It's hard to describe but Bree's are more bright and Noah's are darker.
Anyways, so here's a few pix of Mr. Blue Eyes himself looking particularly handsome since he's wearing a blue jumper to bring out the eyes.... :)

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