Thursday, October 04, 2007


Unfortunately for her, Brianna was doomed to have the same kind of hair as both her parents...fine, pale, and wispy fly-away. This means that most the time she goes around with an interesting sort of birds nest on the back of her head since it seems no matter how many times I comb it, it's just back into a mess a few minutes later. This also means that the poor kid doesn't seem to have a whole lot of hair. It's just so blond and fine that while it's there, you just don't see it most the time. I'm always in awe of those little girls who, at eighteen months, have hair down their backs. That's not the way we do it in this family I guess.

Well, anywho, Bree's hair is finally starting to get some length to it and we managed to capture it in a few shots. So, I thought I'd share these cute pix that show how long her hair is getting.

Yep, this is "long hair" for her.

Notice the crop job she did on her bangs has finally grown back out.

I think she may have gotten just a little of her Grammy Deb's natural waviness to her hair with the way it's doing natural "Farrah" wings.

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